Classic Cedar Garden and Patio Furniture


Classic Cedar Outdoor Patio Furniture - Planter Bench Systems
Outdoor Planter Bench for your patio, deck, porch, veranda, balcony, gazebo, yard and garden finely crafted from certified sustainable, clear, kiln dried Western Redcedar for beauty and longevity.

Planter Bench System
Shown Stained

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Three Bench Planters with 36" and 48" Planter Benches forming a corner Two Bench Planters joined with 48" Planter Bench Rectangular Table shown with Planter Bench System

48" Planter Bench

PB 48 $150

CanadaCDN Prices

10 year guarantee10 Year Guarantee
some conditions apply

These benches are specifically designed to fit between our Bench Planters. They come in four lengths. To figure out the overall length, add the length of the bench and 18" for each planter. Custom length benches are available by request.

  Imperial (in.)
Height n/a
Depth 14.5
Width 47.5
Metric (cm.)
Height n/a
Depth 37
Width 121

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Outdoor Showroom
4559 Morland Road
Victoria, B.C. (in Metchosin)
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